Our Bichons


Breeder: Erayna Beckman Owner: Erayna Beckman

Jiffy has been an amazing dog in the ring and outside the ring. He is so sweet and really willing to please. Our thanks to Lisa Bettis for showing Jiffy at the 2007 National`s and placing him in the ribbons both in Sweepstakes and Conformation. Ryan Wolfe showed Jiffy to championship in a jiffy. Now onto the Canadian Nationals in Winnipeg in August, 2007.


Ch. Soquel High Ridge "JR" JuniorBIS BISS Ch. Special Times Just Right ROMXCh. Dreams Came True Oliver
Ch. Special Times Temptations
Ch. Kay`s Princess Cosette ROMCh Deja Vu
Aki Fairchild
Ch. Kay`s Sparkle Plenty
Ch. Legend`s QuintessentialBIS/BISS Ch. Paray`s I Told You SoMulti-BIS Am. Can.Ch Sterling Rumor Has It ROMX
Ch. Prancing Full Of Cuddles
BISS Am. Can. Ch Cricket`s Trinket of Erayna ROMXCh. Kay`s Excalibur Lancelot
Salutaire`s La Blanc Cricket