Our Bichons


Breeder: Erayna Beckman

Owned by: Kimberly Lalli

"Hayden " placed Best Puppy at the BFCNC Specialty inboth Sweepstakes and Conformation. He has charmed us all.


Ch. Yoannewyn`s Hela Va Scorcher

Ch. Dove-Cote`s White TornadoCh. Dove-Cote`s Mr. Magoo
Ch. Dove-Cote`s Poisen Ivy
Am. Can. Ch. Vassaly`s Yoannewyn AmeliaAm. Can. BIS Ch. Wendar Fly the Flag of Pamplona
Am. Can. BIS Ch. Vassaly`s Snow White
Ch. Legend`s Winter HolidayAm. Can. Ch. Baccarat`s IceCh. Sea Star`s Beau Brummel
Ch. Primo`s Baccarat
Am. Can. BISS Ch. Cricket`s Trinket of Erayna ROMXCh. Kay`s Excalibur Lancelot

Salutaire`s La Blanc Cricket