Our Bichons


Breeder: Erayna Beckman

Owners: Verna & Bill File and Erayna Beckman

"Carly" has been amazing in the ring! She took first in her class at the Bichon Prise National of 2006 with great flair. And it shows that she loves showing in the ring. She also loves being cuddled by Bill and Verna File.


Ch. PaRay`s White Fib of SoquelMulti-BIS Am. Can.Ch Sterling Rumor Has ItCh. Dibett`s Pal Joey
Ch. Mon Ame Chloe D
Ch. Kay`s Princess Cosette ROMCh. Deja Vu Aki Fairchild
Ch. Kay`s Sparkle Plenty
Ch. Legend`s Summer DelightCh. Paray`s I Told You SoMulti-BIS Am/Cdn Ch Sterlings Rumor Has It
Ch. Prancing Full Of Cuddle
Ch. Legend`s ChemindeferAm. Can. Ch. Cabochon Batmadison Marquise
Am. Can. BISS Ch. Cricket`s Trinket of Erayna ROMX